Expanded Rocket Payloads

Adds several new teirs of functional satellites and other payloads to expand gameplay into the space age.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

g Unknown interface: silo_script

5 years ago


I finally got to the part of the game where I was able to launch some stuff into space (yay!)
I rushed to the "Advanced Probe" since I saw that gets me 10x more space science per rocket launched, but for a higher cost.
Once I shot my first one into space, the server which i host crashed with the following message when normally the space science appears (indented and spaced for clarity):

Error MainLoop.cpp:1035:

Exception at tick 160017902:
Error while running event expanded-rocket-payloads::on_rocket_launched (ID 10)
Unknown interface: silo_script
stack traceback:
expanded-rocket-payloads/control.lua:4: in function <expanded-rocket-payloads/control.lua:1>

Error ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:96: MultiplayerManager failed: "Error while running event expanded-rocket-payloads::on_rocket_launched (ID 10)
Unknown interface: silo_script
stack traceback:
expanded-rocket-payloads/control.lua:4: in function <expanded-rocket-payloads/control.lua:1>"

Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:699: mapTick(160017902) changing state from(InGame) to(Failed)


I am using version 0.16.5. When the server crashed, I manually saved on my client.

1: When i load this savefile on the server the error makes the server crash on the first tick
2: Loading it in singleplayer does the same (just making sure)
3: When updating the mod to the latest version (0.16.6), the crash persists.

After some careful analyzing, I discovered that the silo_script isn't present in any of the saves generated by a custom scenario (FactorioScenarioMultiplayerSpawn). So it might not be your fault. But I can't find anything in their code that removes that interface.

4: global.silo_script is also nill if remote.interfaces.silo_script is missing

I took it upon myself to comment line 4 in control.lua, and the whole block that tracks items sent into space, because once that gets called that will crash us as well.
Just to be sure on your side, you could check if the interface exists, and if not display some sort of message in chat that some things might not work. Good luck!

PS: You have typos in some of your textfiles :) Might as well throw them in here as well.

teirs => tiers

liscencing/liscening => licensing
origonally => originally
thouse => those
recomend => recommend
infininte => infinite

5 years ago

Alright thanks sorry for the long response time, been hectic IRL and my computer died.

Thanks for the info, I'll get the typos fixed and see if I can fix this bug after exams.

5 years ago

This still happens in the updated version from yesterday. This happens also when launching an rocket with a empty inventory.

Can't use your mod because of it.

Error while running event expanded-rocket-payloads::on_rocket_launched (ID 10)
Unknown interface: silo_script
stack traceback:
expanded-rocket-payloads/control.lua:4: in function <expanded-rocket-payloads/control.lua:1>

5 years ago

I just made a post on the mod help forum https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=64297

See if we can get this fixed, Also I think I forgot to fix those spelling errors, ill make a note for the next patch.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

edit: sent the update out, let me know if it still doesn't work

New response