Expanded Rocket Payloads

Adds several new teirs of functional satellites and other payloads to expand gameplay into the space age.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b Shuttle Disappeared

5 years ago


I love the mod so far, just wanted to report what seems to be a bug I just ran into. I set up a basic circuit & filter inserter system with my rocket silo such that it would launch a shuttle and then refurbish it, unless there was something (a satellite of some kind) in a different chest (I just disabled the inserter that should move the shuttle into the silo if there is anything in the chest in question).

I had just launched my first solar collector satellite, and came back to the silo, removed the solar collector building manually, and the next time I came back to the silo (it should have launched my shuttle next) I could not find the shuttle anywhere. It seems to have disappeared. I looked everywhere and poured over my logistics network to see if it was dropped somewhere by a bot, but it's not in the network or on the ground.

The only inserters removing items from the rocket silo are all filter inserters, and the one that removes the landed shuttle should put it directly into the assembler that refurbishes the shuttle.

I wasn't sure if there was some kind of mechanic where the shuttle could crash or something, and I just missed it?

5 years ago

As an update, I was able to replicate this happening, but it seems intermittent. I did the exact same thing (launch 3 more solar satellites in the same way as described in my OP), and I noticed that the inserter that moves the shuttle activated after the inserter that put in the solar satellite so that the shuttle was just stuck on the inserter arm until the next rocket was ready. I suspect this might be the source of the bug.

The 4th time I did it the shuttle disappeared again.

5 years ago

So If I am understanding correctly you found some items get stuck on the inserter post rocket launch?

I will have to run some tests and see if I can replicate this.

Also sorry for the long response time I have been super busy :P

New response