Expanded Rocket Payloads

Adds several new teirs of functional satellites and other payloads to expand gameplay into the space age.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b Broken bots

5 years ago

Hello, I did Robot Global Positioning System research up to 10 and now the bots won't deploy. It's similar to when the devs broke the bots awhile back (some kind of table problem). Would you like my save to test his out? It's quite large ~200MB.

5 years ago

Sure link the save please. Was it this problem? https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?t=55799

5 years ago

The bot issue is not with charging but deploying to grab items. I think there is a table that listed pending requests and it was not correct between two different changes back on an older 16.x release that Rseding had to fix. FYI, The mega bot base in the save should be running at 1k Si/m. Here's the save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aigdGpHT09B4878RoDHktTa6dGfKqLPK/view?usp=sharing

5 years ago

Ok I ran the save and tried to reproduce the bug but didn't get it, I went up to level 40 GPS just to see if that would do it and the base was still running at ~1.2k science per min even 20 minutes later.

Would this be something to write a bug report for on the forum? All I did when I coded those techs was replicate the code used in the base Factorio techs, just changing the value of the modifier and the ingredients.

5 years ago

Thanks for checking. Very strange indeed. Maybe there's a combinations of things going on. I'll keep digging. So, here's a graph showing my research. It ramps up then dies out: https://i.imgur.com/C4Uu6kT.jpg

Here's what I have researched: https://i.imgur.com/N3UUpz5.jpg

The problem is stemming from the purple science build and the bots not grabbing steel for electric furnaces.

5 years ago

So I figured out what the problem was with my mega base after a while. The inserters were not able to insert vanilla research after an expanded research was completed. The inserter was unable to drop the extra research in it's claw therefore, would just sit there and not grab any science. This becomes a problem when the inserter stack bonus is researched higher. I fixed it by dedicating an inserter to vanilla research, ERP station data and satellite data.

5 years ago

Very interesting! Strangely enough there is already a kindof workaround for this. There was a request for a dedicated research lab for ERP sciences so I included that with 0.17 compatibility update. So that should keep thing separated from now on.

5 years ago

Or increase the stack size of the science pack

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

as far as i had seen in 0.16, a whole "handful" would be moved into the lab and thus the inserter shouldn't get stuck by only delivering a partial "handful". but maybe bad timing would cause this if an inserter wanted to insert bottles which were no longer needed when some research JUST had finished !?
withvanilla research this would rarely be a problem since most research uses the same or even more additional bottles than the last, and just temporarily selecting another higher research would take care of the problem. but if it happened on special researches whose bottles were not used by many/any other research, this problem would easily appear.

if i understood this correctly, some patchnotes for a 0.17.x version said that science bottles now wouldn't only be loaded when they are needed for the current research, but always when they are missing in the lab. thus the above possible effect (of being stuck on an inserter when a research finished at the wrong time) shouldn't happen in 0.17 !?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

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