Expanded Rocket Payloads

Adds several new teirs of functional satellites and other payloads to expand gameplay into the space age.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i Angels/Bobs compatibility & more pics

5 years ago

Do you have an idea if this mod works with Angels/Bobs?
and could you potentially add some more images of some of the recipies? I am to lazy to read that all.

5 years ago

I added some more images. As for compatibility I am not sure I haven't yet played that much with bobs or angels to test enough.

5 years ago

Thanks for the images. I will definitely try it and give you feedback if it crashes or anything else is broken with ab.

5 years ago

I can look into providing Angel's/Bob's compatibility for you if you'd like. Neither of those really enhance the endgame significantly. I might even look into some rudementry SpaceX compat aswell which would /really/ make a fantastic endgame!

5 years ago

That would be awesome

5 years ago

Thank you!

5 years ago

I added Lab MK2 compatibility for your new science packs in my mod. If you want to take a look: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Sandros-fixes

5 years ago

Cool thanks!
So I am a bit new to this, do you want to host the bob's angles compatibility on your mod and have me direct people to yours for that?

5 years ago

I would consider my mod as a "fix what others broke and never fixed mod" and my wish would be that it will be obsolete eventually (not gonna happen). That this can happen I especially licensed the mod under MIT so that everyone is allowed to reuse my stuff and fix there mods. Most of the stuff is just a changed category or a fixed misspelling or in your case a added lab item. When someone just fixes there speling mistakes or combines categories I wouldn't require a notice that I changed this as it is very minor and except they copy my code it isn't generally required. In your case you would probably just copy the lines that added the items to the lab mk2. I am by no means a lawyer but if you copy the code, add a comment above and below the lines that the original source is my mod and it is licensed under MIT everything is fine.
About the patch: I will gradually add stuff I find out of place or that need fixing and now it is your decision if you want to integrate this into your mod or just redirect them to my fix mod and don't worry about angel.

5 years ago

I finally got around doing this mod. You can find it here https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ERPTbaAB

5 years ago

Thanks a lot! I will link it on the front when I send out the update.

5 years ago

Thanks for that! Really appreciate it.
FYI: I would like to keep it as a separate mod so that I can easily update it when angel or Bob push a breaking update.

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