22-02-24: Some recipe, tech and multiplayer fixes.
23-02-24: Compat fixes for beltSorter, integratedCircuitryFixed, railway-motor-car
24-02-24: Loaders and belt sorters can be build in space.
25-02-24: Compat fix for Better-Power-Armor-Grid.
14-03-24: Fixed automation-3 and logistics-3 prerequisite disabled and hidden tech
15-03-24: Fixed broken coke recipes and missing raw uranium ore processing
29-04-24: Compat fixes and new option in mod settings.
04-05-24: Optional: use copper plate instead of crushed copper, tech and recipe fixes.
05-05-24: Two different (but can use both) recipes to convert basic Iron/copper to EI ones.
19-05-24: This and some previous are small fixes for broken recipes and tech.
10-06-24: More modded containers, chests, storages allowed in space.
13-06-24: Cryoflux and phytogas core fragments can be processed if you find planet with such core type.
15-06-24: Fixed some borken science packs req.
23-06-24: Fixed tech tree softlocks.
06-07-24: Fixed mod option "Start in power armor" and some compat code with forked K2
15-07-24: [ SE+K2+EI ] Fixed Gaia pump recipe
20-07-24: Fix missing uranium magizine for compound magazine, portable nuclear reactors, increased battery capacity for exotic-industries-robots
21-07-24: [ SE+K2+EI ] Fixed matter cube tech softlock
22-07-24: [ SE+K2+EI ] Fixed thruster suits grids, fixed intergalactic transceiver launch
19-08-24: First orbit techs now explicitly requires EI ground tier scince packs.
PreLeyZero's Exotic Industries Discord:
Forked Krastorio for SE+K2+EI that's are dreamt for by many =))