Biter Memoirs

by exfret

Adds names to nearby biters and sometimes prints bits about their life to chat when they die.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

i Name/Memoir Suggestions

10 months ago

Have someone you hate that you want to see in game? Have someone you love that you want to see in game? Want to see yourself in game? Have a suggestion for a new biter message/memoir when a biter dies? Want a custom memoir for your biter?

This is what this thread is about! No requirements on names/memoirs, simply having found this page makes you eligible. Just make them appropriate please.

10 months ago


10 months ago

"Elon Musk had just come up with a funny tweet that would finally make everyone like him."
and the dosh approved "DoshDoshington had actually been secretly making a Pyanodons video, it will now never be released."

also just the name Isabelle or Izzy, whichever you prefer :P

10 months ago

Foxabilo, forgot to ask your pronouns (I already saw yours on the discord Isabelle). And I'll add those two those are clever.

10 months ago

thinks you're a monster
became a martyr
tried their best and was found wanting
Dines in Valhalla
Could not regain their former glory

10 months ago

Carl was a pioneer in the field of exobiology and would often speculate with his friends about how aliens might communicate.

Feel free to modify as you wish. Tried to come up with something as a nod to Carl Sagan.

10 months ago

Thanks, I added a version of each of those!

10 months ago

"Would have been a local war hero if not for you"

and just the name or something else incredibly sassy
sassxolotl (him/dumb)

10 months ago

"sassxolotl is appreciative of his long life; most other engineers are more efficient and would have killed him sooner."

10 months ago

perfect i love it

10 months ago

Lebothegizebo, now unable to fulfill his destiny of chewing on your power poles

10 months ago

(i've added mine via a pull request on the repo though, so in essence i've done it for you :))

10 months ago

if your not busy, i'd love to add one if you dont mind? its a joke within one of my servers and it'd be cool to have, if you dont mind :]

"BlackATM was this close to finishing the newest update to his mod, but was swiftly taken out by Piercing Ammo #2349"
(or anything along those lines, please and thank you :] )

10 months ago

All these are added. Keep in mind it will be until the next version when you'll see them in your local copies. :)

10 months ago

Earandel - "I guess SE 0.7 won't come out now"
Sun Tzu - "War wasn't the answer. It was the question. And the answer is yes. - Sun Tzu"
"Enjoyed walks by the ocean"
"Scared of water, terrified of fire"
"Secretly a methane user"
"Was just about to propose"
"Was on the break of scientific breakthrough, but was drafted"
"Just wanted to go home"
"Just got into university"
"Just graduated"
"Had chronic back pain"
"Never had a sense of humor"
I think a really really long one about the sad depressing life of the biter would be interesting as well.
Feel free to change those if you need to

10 months ago

Sugetion for a Death meesage:
"I Am <Player>, And <Player> Has Done This" - player Kill
"Was filled with Lead!" - Kill from Bullets
"Became a Red carpet" - Ranover with Car/Tank

9 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions! Added.

9 months ago

You could probably use generative AI to spit out a thousand different texts

9 months ago

ew no

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

"was just trying to play" Really guilt trip people. The biter didn't want to hurt you, they're just playful.
"was the oldest biter to ever live. Was."
"actually spoke fluent english, you just never tried diplomacy"
"was a licensed therapist"
"left behind a widow and 17 children"
"is now free from mountains of debt"

3 months ago

"No longer has crippling depression"

3 months ago

Good ones!

New response