exfret's Better Beacons

by exfret

Makes beacons 10x more efficient at distributing their effects. (Configurable).

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

i Increasing range

a month ago

Hello, is it possible to also increase its range to larger than their current default? Thank you.

a month ago

Would you rather have this be an additive modifier or a multiplicative one?

a month ago

I think multiplicative will be good but I'm not so sure.

a month ago

I just added both options. Should be up now, lemme know if it works.

a month ago

Thank you so much! It works exactly as you described!

17 days ago
(updated 17 days ago)

by doing this, you reverted beacons to vanilla efficiency, its back at 1.5
and even if you increase efficiency in settings, it does not increase ingame

17 days ago

scratch that :D it was another mod interfering with yours, deleted it and it works like a charm now

17 days ago

Thanks for the bug report regardless! I appreciate when people report problems, or I guess in this case supposed problems.

15 days ago
(updated 15 days ago)

yeah, it was 2 mods clashing constantly, but now everything works like a charm :D cuz i want to build efficient, not cluttered with insane amount of machines :D factory must grow, efficiently :D

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