Everything Requires Maintenance

Over time, every building slowly takes damage from the rough nauvitian atmosphere, requiring constant maintenance. Default is 15 damage every 15000 ticks

6 months ago
Logistic network
6 months ago
Latest Version:
0.1.0 (6 months ago)
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33 users

Everything Requires Maintenance

Version: 0.1.0
Factorio Version: 1.1+
Author: Serotonintheft
Category: Tweaks


Everything Requires Maintenance is a mod that introduces an element of degradation to all placed entities in your Factorio world, requiring you to actively maintain your base. Every single entity with health will take damage periodically. This mod is perfect for players looking to add an extra layer of challenge to their games, making maintenance and repair a crucial part of your automation process.


To prevent gameplay disruptions, certain entities are excluded from taking damage:
- Players
- Biters, worms, and their spawners
- Trees and rocks
Everything else will take periodic damage.

To avoid spamming the player with alerts, damage applied by the mod does not trigger the standard damage notification, instead just directly decreasing the health (unless the entity's health is low, in which case it will). Your base will silently degrade until you decide to intervene with repairs.


This mod makes the game a little bit harder, and also increases the strain on your bot netowrk. Regular maintenance will become a necessity, especially as your factory grows larger and more complex. You'll need to ensure that repair packs are readily available and that your bots are keeping up with the constant repairs needed to keep your factory running smoothly.

Known Issues/WIP

  • Performance: For very large factories, running the mod at a very short tick interval may introduce some performance overhead, especially if the damage amount is high. Adjust the settings according to your hardware's capabilities.

  • Entity-Specific Mods: Mods that add new entities with unique health mechanics might not behave as expected. It is recommended to check compatibility with such mods or tweak settings to balance gameplay.

  • Add Configuration: I plan to make the damage interval and amount configurable in the future.
    As always, report any bugs in Discussion.