Even Distribution

Modifies CTRL + Click Drag to evenly distribute the items over multiple buildings. Also adds Inventory Cleanup hotkey (SHIFT+C) which evenly distributes unneeded items from inventory into nearby machines.

3 months ago
0.15 - 2.0

b No ammo distributed to turrets

2 years ago

So I've got a pretty early game with Space Exploration running, and this mod is working perfectly except for one thing.

Even though Shift+C works for machines and furnaces, it is no longer distributing ammo to turrets. No yellow ammo, no piercing ammo, nothing. I've got a semi-long mod-list but most of them are not affecting this kind of thing, and since the rest of the mod (e.g Ctrl-Drag) works perfectly.

These are my settings, which certainly should have it working:

I can provide modlists or run console commands to help with reproducing/debugging if you wish. Thanks a lot in advance for any response, this mod is such a crucial addition that after coming back to Factorio after almost 2 years I had fully forgotten that this is not the default behaviour in the game.

2 years ago

+1, same issue here

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

same here. but found something
it distributes above maximum logistic request amount despite the setting label saying minimum
simply speaking the ammo in your trash will get distributed

1 year, 4 months ago

Wish mod author would update.

1 year, 4 months ago

I started having this problem when I switched from yellow ammo to red ammo. The solution was to set red ammo in the logistics window from 200 to infinity. After that, even distribution would work with red ammo so long as I was carrying more than 200.

1 year, 4 months ago

oh good to know, i'll set mine

11 months ago

This is something I would love to see changed. I unchecked the Distribute items above the minimum request amount, thinking that it would disregard the request amount. Instead, it seems to completely disable ammo distribution. The effect I want is to set a logistics request amount, but regardless of the min/max settings, ammo will be distributed to nearby turrets.

Let's say I set a min request of 200 mags, and a max request of 1000 mags. Anything above 1000 is automatically removed by logistic bots when I'm in range of my roboports. If I'm below 200, I will be topped up. That's exactly what I want. What usually happens is that I'll have 200 mags in my inventory, so when I go to refill turrets, they don't get any because I have nothing in excess of the minimum.

I could just set the minimum to zero, but then logistic bots won't bring me ammo. There needs to be a way to do this.

I have been having the same issue with burner turbines.

New response