This is something I would love to see changed. I unchecked the Distribute items above the minimum request amount, thinking that it would disregard the request amount. Instead, it seems to completely disable ammo distribution. The effect I want is to set a logistics request amount, but regardless of the min/max settings, ammo will be distributed to nearby turrets.
Let's say I set a min request of 200 mags, and a max request of 1000 mags. Anything above 1000 is automatically removed by logistic bots when I'm in range of my roboports. If I'm below 200, I will be topped up. That's exactly what I want. What usually happens is that I'll have 200 mags in my inventory, so when I go to refill turrets, they don't get any because I have nothing in excess of the minimum.
I could just set the minimum to zero, but then logistic bots won't bring me ammo. There needs to be a way to do this.