Even Distribution

Modifies CTRL + Click Drag to evenly distribute the items over multiple buildings. Also adds Inventory Cleanup hotkey (SHIFT+C) which evenly distributes unneeded items from inventory into nearby machines.

2 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Limit inventory cleanup to selected buildings

2 years ago

The "Rate Calculator" mod uses a "drag box around buildings to analyze" function that could be super-nice for Even Distribution.

When triggered (e.g. by keyboard shortcut) a rectangle can be drawn over a set of buildings and they get automatically filled using the "Inventory Cleanup" function.
In dense factories Inventory Cleanup regularly fills buildings that I didnt intend to fill.

E.g. playing through the burner phase of Krastorio2 with this feature being able to hand-fill certain assemblers that you want to keep producing but not the rest.

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