Even Distribution

Modifies CTRL + Click Drag to evenly distribute the items over multiple buildings. Also adds Inventory Cleanup hotkey (SHIFT+C) which evenly distributes unneeded items from inventory into nearby machines.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0

g Setting button missing?

3 years ago

Setting button missing? Anyone knows why?
I play 1.1.6 and just downloaded latest version but I still don't see that blue button.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Could be other mods. Can you post your log file? (C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\factorio-current.log)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Log wasn't there, it was in D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\factorio-current.log

Here's the log.

3 years ago

I couldn't reproduce it, but the button should be restored when you update to the new version.

3 years ago

Updated still no show.

Here's modlist if that help.


  "name": "base",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "AdditionalPasteSettings",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "CraftingPriority",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "even-distribution",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "flib",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "FNEI",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "Infinizoom",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "ModuleInserter",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "PickerAtheneum",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "PickerBlueprinter",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "PickerExtended",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "PumpAnywhere",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pyalienlife",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pyalienlifegraphics",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pyalienlifegraphics2",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pyalienlifegraphics3",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "PyBlock",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pycoalprocessing",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pycoalprocessinggraphics",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pyfusionenergy",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pyfusionenergygraphics",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pyhightech",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pyhightechgraphics",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pyindustry",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pypetroleumhandling",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pypetroleumhandlinggraphics",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pyrawores",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "pyraworesgraphics",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "stdlib",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "textplates",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "TiTaN-BotStart",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "VehicleSnap",
  "enabled": true

  "name": "themightygugi_longreach",
  "enabled": true,
  "version": "2.1.1"


3 years ago

I already tried it with these mods enabled... Can you send me your save file? Then I could take a closer look

3 years ago

I'm having this issue too. Here's my mod list...

  Dectorio = "0.12.2",
  FNEI = "0.4.0",
  Fill4Me = "0.10.0",
  ["Inventory Sensor"] = "1.10.2",
  LogisticTrainNetwork = "1.15.0",
  ModuleInserter = "5.2.2",
  Nanobots = "3.2.14",
  ["aai-containers"] = "0.2.6",
  ["aai-industry"] = "0.5.3",
  ["aai-signal-transmission"] = "0.4.1",
  ["alien-biomes"] = "0.6.3",
  ["alien-biomes-hr-terrain"] = "0.6.1",
  base = "1.1.6",
  ["bullet-trails"] = "0.6.1",
  ["combat-mechanics-overhaul"] = "0.6.13",
  ["even-distribution"] = "1.0.6",
  flib = "0.6.1",
  ["grappling-gun"] = "0.3.1",
  helmod = "0.12.0",
  informatron = "0.2.1",
  jetpack = "0.2.5",
  ["manual-inventory-sort"] = "2.2.5",
  miniloader = "1.13.0",
  robot_attrition = "0.5.7",
  ["space-exploration"] = "0.5.30",
  ["space-exploration-graphics"] = "0.5.4",
  ["space-exploration-hr-graphics"] = "0.5.1",
  ["space-exploration-postprocess"] = "0.5.8",
  stdlib = "1.4.6",
  textplates = "0.6.3"
3 years ago

I have the latest version of the mod. I also have no settings button.

3 years ago

Can one of you please send me your save file? @321freddy#6005

New response