いくつかのMODを日本語化します。 We translate some mods into Japanese. Translation MOD list:Air filtering/Air Filtering Advanced/Auto Deconstruct/Auto Research/Automatic Train Painter/Belt sorter/Big Fluid Wagon//Bio Industries/Bluebuild/Colonists/Crafting Speed Research/Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders/Deadlock Experimental Stacking/Double Cargo Wagon/Electric Train/Automatic Train Fuel Stop/Modular Chests/Loader Redux/LTN - Logistic Train Network/LTN Combinator/LTN Tracker/Miniloader/Personal Transformer/Power Armor MK3/Pump Filter/Pressurized fluids/Bulk Rail Loader/Reverse Factory/Robot Charging Station 1x1/Storage Tank Mk2/Text Plates/tosts-Train-Chests/TrueSmartSplitter/Ultimate Belts/Warehousing Mod/Waterfill
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
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Dependency | 2.66M | |
Built-in dependency |
base >= 0.17.79 | - |
Optional dependency |
air-filtering | 57.0K |
Optional dependency |
air-filtering-patched | 79 |
Optional dependency |
AutoDeconstruct | 298K |
Optional dependency |
Automatic_Train_Painter | 102K |
Optional dependency |
auto-research | 55.9K |
Optional dependency |
beltSorter | 39.5K |
Optional dependency |
BigFluidWagon | 2.72K |
Optional dependency |
Bio_Industries | 54.6K |
Optional dependency |
Bluebuild | 6.19K |
Optional dependency |
Colonists | 22 |
Optional dependency |
CompressedFluids | 12.4K |
Optional dependency |
Crafting_Speed_Research | 61.3K |
Optional dependency |
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders | 109K |
Optional dependency |
deadlock-experiments | 3.19K |
Optional dependency |
DoubleCargoWagon | 2.75K |
Optional dependency |
ElectricTrain | 76.5K |
Optional dependency |
FuelTrainStop | 53.6K |
Optional dependency |
LB-Modular-Chests | 10.3K |
Optional dependency |
LoaderRedux | 114K |
Optional dependency |
LogisticTrainNetwork | 256K |
Optional dependency |
LTN_Combinator | 203 |
Optional dependency |
LTN_Tracker | 115 |
Optional dependency |
miniloader | 192K |
Optional dependency |
PersonalTransformer | 16 |
Optional dependency |
Power Armor MK3 | 197K |
Optional dependency |
railloader | 58.7K |
Optional dependency |
reverse-factory | 64.6K |
Optional dependency |
Robo-Charge-1x1 | 3.25K |
Optional dependency |
SmartSplitter | 12 |
Optional dependency |
StorageTank2 | 34.6K |
Optional dependency |
textplates | 282K |
Optional dependency |
TostsChests | 1.58K |
Optional dependency |
TrueSmartSplitter | 17 |
Optional dependency |
UltimateBelts | 53.7K |
Optional dependency |
Warehousing | 211K |
Optional dependency |
Waterfill_v17 | 250K |