Electric Boiler

by Mobius1

Adds an Electric Boiler building, compatible with bob's mods. Blue glow based on ElAdamo's Gas Boiler.

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0

b [#002][fixed][0.17.2]"goes-to-quickbar" in the factorio 0.17 version ?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

on starting up factorio, i got the following error :

Failed to load mods:
Error while loading item prototype "electric-boiler" (item): Unknown flag "goes-to-quickbar"
Modifications: Electric Boiler
Mods to be disabled: electricboiler

is this error caused by this mod, or by using a prototype that another mod modified ?

in any case, one of the mod authors seems to have only changed the version number in the Json to 0.17 without adjusting anything else in the mod, and thus still uses the flag "goes-to-quickbar" although version 0.17 no longer has a quickbar that can take items. and then not even once started up factorio 0.17 before publishing the 0.17 version :-(

5 years ago

since the mod adds only a single item, it's pretty easy to open up and delete that one line, but yeah...the mod author should have tested it first cause it very clearly was an easy fix. a few others have posted mods without fixing "goes to quickbar" as well. give it a few weeks most mods will actually be working properly i hope

5 years ago

Sorry for that, I uploaded the wrong entity file on the pack. Should be fixed on the new release.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

thanks for the quick update

usafphoenix: even though it might have been an easy fix to do myself, i couldn't be sure whether there were more problems to adjust. and with more than a dozen mods that didn't let factorio startup because of similar problems (disabling them one by one, sometimes even disabling 10+ for one bad mod, and restarting factorio many many times, even having to do all of this only to be able to get ingame and update the mod to a fixed version), i had no intention in fixing all of them myself.

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