Electric boilers with tiers

Boiler that uses electric power to turn water to steam

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g MK5 recipe missing

4 years ago

I had a CTD when trying to activate the mod, and the reason is simple. In recipe.lua the entry for mk5 boiler is missing in the section where none of the Py-Mods etc. are activated. Can you please correct this issue?

4 years ago

For anyone who wants to fix it on his/her own. Locate the zip file of the mod, extract the file recipe.lua, save it to a temp folder, open it in a text editor, and add the following entries:

Portion 1: - needs to go in around line 540, after the recipe for electric-boiler-mk4

type = "recipe",
name = "electric-boiler-mk5",
enabled = "false",
ingredients = {
{"boiler", 5},
{"electric-boiler-mk4", 2},
{"processing-unit", 1},
{"iron-plate", 150},
{"copper-plate", 200},
{"steel-plate", 150}
result = "electric-boiler-mk5"

And portion two needs to be added after the recipe electric-boiler-mk4-2 at the end of the file:

type = "recipe",
name = "electric-boiler-mk5-2",
enabled = "false",
ingredients = {
{"boiler", 15},
{"electric-boiler-mk4-2", 10},
{"processing-unit", 10},
{"iron-plate", 150},
{"copper-plate", 200},
{"steel-plate", 150}
result = "electric-boiler-mk5-2"

Save it, make a copy of the original zipfile in case you want to restore it, then replace the recipe.lua with the edited one and (re)start factorio.

4 years ago

will fix now ,

4 years ago

out now

New response