Adds a free light to electric poles based on powered range.
- Add a free inbuilt light to power poles that uses no power.
- Is a pure QOL mod designed for streamers, YouTube or anyone who wants to be able to see their base.
- Blueprint friendly as they are regular power poles, so no modded entities in your exported Blueprint, just no lights either.
- The size of the light for each type of power pole is controlled by the mod settings for it's powering range and connection distance. The largest size between the powered ranged and connection distance is used. These settings allow from none to 100+ percent of each range to be used to set the light size. Defaults to 100% powered range, 0% connection distance.
- The impact of quality on power area and wire reach isn't respected. Not possible due to the this mod being entirely data prototype and not having any runtime code.
- The maximum lighted radius is limited to 75 due to the Factorio game engine.
- Lights in Factorio illuminate the in-game picture you see and so tall building pictures may be half in light and half out, despite their footprint being fully within the lighted area.
- This mod is a quick and dirty mod for Factorio Space Age ripped from the Inbuilt Lighting mod code designed for Factorio 1.1.