Exotic Industries Warptorio 2 compatibility mod

by DiGra

Compatibilty mod for Exotic Industries and Warptorio 2

7 months ago

b Crash every time on warp

6 months ago

I get an error everytime on warp: "Error while running event exotic-industries::on_tick (ID 0) invalid key to 'next'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'next'
exotic-industries/scripts/control/powered_beacon.lua:75: in function 'update_fluid_storages'

6 months ago

Should I be sharing this with exotic industries instead? I also have the save file that crashes every time but I'm not sure how to share it. google drive or something?

6 months ago

it seems someone else already posted on exotic discussions: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/exotic-industries/discussion/656ae4a3206573fefbe3fa76. I will also be posting on their discord, maybe they will fix it

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