Crafting Efficiency

Adds technologies to increase the gain of wastefull and expensive processes, such as copper cable, steel, and gears

6 years ago

g v0.16

6 years ago

Please update.

6 years ago

simply edit the .zip file's info.json where it says version number. change it from 15 to 16, leave everything else the same. (unless you'd like to increment the mod file's version number for your own purposes and make sure the zip filename matches what the info.json says it should be.

6 years ago

next, you may just need to edit the modlist file in your factorio folder to force factorio to load with the mod again, if it has failed to do so previously. this may involve first removing the mod from the game, loading and quitting, then re-adding it manually. --that's what i had to do at least.

5 years ago

In 0.16 doesn't work if you try to make an item with liquid ingredien (ie processing unit with sulfuric acid)

5 years ago

I've released a fork of the mod that is for v0.16

New response