Crafting Efficiency

Adds technologies to increase the gain of wastefull and expensive processes, such as copper cable, steel, and gears

6 years ago

b seems to be broken in 0.15.34?

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

just wanted to give this mod a try, since I really find the demand of copper wires in late games annoying. However, it does not seem to work anymore? The output amount is not increased whatsoever. I tried all 4 provided efficiency types and none increased the output threshold on neither level of the tech tree (researched all to the top)

Would be great if you could have a lokk at this!

6 years ago

Nevermind, I figured it out.
For everyone having the same issue, the Mod does not increase the threshold of the default production items, but rather adds additional ones with a different threshold. So in order to make it active, you have to switch the factories to the alternative copper wires etc.

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