0.Porting interface
like I want to use same mechanic but I dont want to just steal your idea,I want there`s a way to register bot into that,and given them a proballity of breaking,
and when break,I think you can just trigger entity.die(),which can have nice little explosion for it.
1.engine unit
Personally I think you can delay when you can get these bot until engine unit,and also blancing combat bot with simillar recipe like
(engine unit+gas+repair pack->Fueled early construction bot)
(engine unit+gas+machine gun+ammo->Fueled defender bot)
2.looting table and refueling
using loot,allow bot have nice chance drop early construction bot and fuel it later.
*when bot died,drop unfueled version 80% of time
(early construction bot+gas->Fueled early construction bot)
(defender bot+gas+ammo->Fueled defender bot)
3.chance of breaking
if these bot has 100% drop every time,then automatic pickup loot will become infinite loop that consume bots.
which can be a research control the breaking rate.
[Repeatable Construction-x: Chance of bearking reduce 50%]//that is 100%(un-researched) ->50%(once)->25%(twice)->12.5%(3 times)... (apporach to 0% as more you research it)