Early Construction

Adds early game construction robots to greatly improve the quality of life of base building. Uses the standard Factorio portable roboport mechanics. Inspired by Nanobots. Compatible with Bob's Electronics.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Invalid - Armor unequippable, missing research

4 years ago

Hey there,

I have found this alternative to the nanobots, which I don't really like, and during gameplay, I crafted the light armor that comes with this mod, but I cannot equip it, because it says I am missing the late game research that gives you the power armor, and gives an error "power grid required".

The bots still work without the armor, if I just have them in my inventory, but for that, I raise the question, for what reason does the special modded armor even exist?
Would love to know what I did wrong here... :D

4 years ago

Hmm, that's strange, do you have any other mods installed? (Ideally a savefile, so I could reproduce the issue)

New response