Early Construction

Adds early game construction robots to greatly improve the quality of life of base building. Uses the standard Factorio portable roboport mechanics. Inspired by Nanobots. Compatible with Bob's Electronics.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

b Resolved - Bug related to repair packs and construction.

5 years ago

So, you know how, when something needs repairs, an early bot can get out, pick up a repair pack, go repair it, and then return, the bot isn't destroyed, and I think it's nice, because otherwise we'd waste a LOT of repair packs (it already costs some to build the early bot).
Anyway, if at the same place there are items needing to be repaired, and items needing to be build, one bot could pick up a repair pack, repair the thing, then come back to the player and pick up an item to be placed (while keeping the repair pack on itself), place the entity ... and you guessed it, be destroyed.
So here's a wasted repair pack.
Thought ?

5 years ago

Good catch, I don't know why the robot doesn't empty its repair pack inventory just like it does its cargo inventory. But nevermind, I now insert them back into the players' inventory before destruction.

5 years ago

Did you do the combo repair + contruction too ? (you mentioned deconstruction there, but I said construction)

5 years ago

Yeah, it's in the changelog :).

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