Early Construction

Adds early game construction robots to greatly improve the quality of life of base building. Uses the standard Factorio portable roboport mechanics. Inspired by Nanobots. Compatible with Bob's Electronics.

2 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Resolved - Deconstruction planner doesn't return items.

4 years ago

Using the deconstruction planner will make the bot go to the marked item and destroy it instead of returning it to the player. I'm 99% sure it didn't work like this before neither its the intended behaviour.

Also when this bug occurs, an error pops saying "Early construction robots must only be used with personal roboport equipment."

This message doesn't pop with trees, only player items, belts, inserters, etc.

I though it could be a mod conflict. Loaded up a new save with only this mod enabled and it still happened.

4 years ago

Thanks for notifying me. I'll look into it, and get back to you. It might have something to do with a recent update on experimental that breaks a ton of mods.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Thanks for the report, it was a quick fix because it was indeed caused by the change in 0.17.35.

See FFF-293 https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-293 for more details, but it should be resolved now :).

4 years ago

Thanks to you for such a quick fix!

New response