Early Modules

Adds basic modules, and optionally basic beacon

28 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Crash on startup with Krastorio + SE

6 months ago

Any way you could check over and see what the incompat is?

6 months ago

A quick workaround which could solve your problem is that, you could try to disable the 'Basic beacon' in the mod settings, while SE is not enabled, and reenable SE. I will force disable it in a future update, since SE heavily modifies beacon behaviour. Basic modules will not use Krastorio 2 art style (licensing problems, I should edit them to work), but the modules effects seems fine

6 months ago

The new version should solve your problem:
Version: 0.0.3
Date: 2024-05-19
[Space Exploration] compatibility:
- Added minor compatibility to 'Space Exploration'
- Renamed 'Basic beacon' to 'Early beacon' since 'Space Exploration' uses the name already
- 'Early beacon' now uses 10x'Stone bricks' as ingredient
- Transfer effectivity is 0.5 (same as 'Basic beacon')
- Has 4 module slots (half as 'Basic beacon')
- Uses 75Kw of energy ('Basic beacon' is 100Kw)
- 'Basic modules' are properly ordered and grouped up with the rest of the modules
- 'Basic speed module' has 2% pollution increase
- 'Basic effectivity module' has 5% pollution decrease

Please let me know if you find any issues, or if you have any request

6 months ago

Thank you!

6 months ago

As time flies, did you encounter any bugs, or do you have any suggestions with SE compatibility?

6 months ago

No bugs at all! It increases the price for normal modules but that makes sense. I genuinely think you have an amazing mod, here! Thanks so much!

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