SLP - Dyson Sphere

by SLywnow

Generate 1TW (1000GW) of energy by creating a megastructure-the Dyson sphere. (Attention, creating a Dyson sphere leads to the disappearance of light in the entire star system!). This mod required for many of my mods (or you can try generate such energy by yourself, good luck)

a month ago
1.0 - 2.0

g Circuit support ?

1 year, 3 months ago

I'm assuming the mod author is MIA and this will not be updated anymore, however I do like the idea and on the off chance wanted to add that a circuit condition to show how many dyson spheres have been launched would be cool, so I can set it to launc a set amount and stop there, additionally the solars and accumulators still take priority over dyson sphere power

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