Dual Ores

Vanilla friendly mod that adds 6 supplemental ores to the game. Core logic based on Leighzer's Morphite. Difference is that instead of introducing 1 ore, this introduces multiple. Each of the new ores can be processed into one of two of the other raw vanila resources.

1 year, 3 months ago
0.17 - 1.1


Version 0.2.4
    -Made IronCoal, CopperCoal, StoneCoal useable as fuel- Same fuel value as regular Coal
Version 0.2.3
    -One of the updates to Factorio in 1.1 series impacted "resource autoplace"
    --Per a forum note from 11/23/2020 regarding Upcoming breaking mod changes  "The data stage global variable "resource_automplate" is now local.  It can still be accesas via the require: local resource_autoplace - require("resource-autoplace"
    -- Crash log indicated prototypes was the file with the offending legacy function calls. Added the above line to start of that file, seems to launch now.
Version 0.2.2
    -1.1 update
Version 0.2.1
    -Resolved incompatibility with Leighzer's Morphite
Version 0.2.0
    -0.18 Update
    -Update ore particle type to "optimized-particle" from deprecated "particle" type.
    -Fixed particle relative path issue to point to new location of __base__/graphics/particle/
Version 0.1.0
    -Cleanup mod description.
    -Mod Portal Release version 0.1.0
Version 0.0.3
    -Cleanup leftover UI Mod Options and booleans
    -Particle effects for each dual-ore.
    -Ore map color as average from map color of the 2 source ores.
    -Combined tile maps,so for example ironcopper ore patches look like a mix of iron and copper 
    -Defined new icon for the mod, if morphite is installed it's recipies will also show up in same group
    -Tweaked mod name and internal naming to dualores.
Version 0.0.2
    -Updated Mod info and description
    -Confirm Mod will work standalone and/or with Morphite installed
    -Replace most internal mod naming from Leighzer's to dualores
    -Removed a bucnch of morphite logic and dependencies
    -New icon for ironcopper
    -Placeholder Icons for other ores (vanila, so IronCoal uses Iron Icon ...etc)
Version 0.0.1
    -Added IronCopper Ore
    -Added IronCopper Recipies to Iron or Copper
    -Added IronCoal, IronStone, CopperCoal, CopperStone, CoalStone
    -Added Recipies for IronCoal,IronStone, CopperCoal, CopperStone, CoalStone
Used Leightzer's Morphite 0.2.8 code as seed to build Dual Ores