Dog Mod

Adds a dog to Factorio. Currently he runs around, barks, attacks enemies, and has a small inventory. Planning to make him do basic construction / resupply tasks. The goal is to make him speed up the early game and ease early game annoyances. Also planning to make him upgradable by giving him his own power vest, so he can be helpful in the later game.

2 years ago

g Don't load properly

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hi there !

The game dont lauch for me :
Also, the github link seems broken, maybe isn't up yet ?

Thanks. (PS: Doesn't*)

2 years ago

Ok the sound issue is weird. Check if the sound is actually in the mod (, it should be at "mods/dogmod_0.1.0/sound/bark-soft.ogg"). If not try re-downloading, if it's there I don't know what's going on.

The github repo is private, I plan to make it public if enough people are interested in the source code. If you want I can give your account access or the repo.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hi, yeah I didn't think of saying it, but I looked and everything file related looked alright, a named bark-soft.ogg sound file is here.
I didn't think of redownloading the mod however, thats a good idea I should have tried. But I did now and still have the same issue sadly.

I see for the github ^^ Well I just wanted to go there because usually when it's mentioned it's because it's preferable to put issues on it than here !
Thanks for the reply.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Ok, I uploaded a new release and it should be fixed.

Sorry, it was a bug on my end - I had to change the name last minute because of a bug in the mod portal, and forgot to change the asset locations. Thanks for pointing it out!

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

My pleasur ! I had to if I wanted to test it out, and I was impatient to do so ! ^^

Yes it's launching and working now ! So, testing : I can't close the window with keybind, only by clicking the checkbox.
And just to be sure I understand about the bark options : One is the minimum time between two bark, and the other one is average time ?

And well, you're doing me dog lovers witchcraft here, because I felt in love at first sight lol
( Oh, Dog tends to TP under my car's wheels, it's eartbreaking =[ ^^ )

2 years ago

You can't close the window with keyboard - unfortunately this probably won't be fixed soon because it's how the GUI works.

The bark options are median (average) and range. So e.g. if the median is 5 and the range is 2, the minimum interval is 3 (5 - 2) and maximum is 7 (5 + 2).

The dog teleporting under the car's wheels it's a bug caused because the dog teleports to you when he gets too far away.
I can fix that in the next release, by making it so when the player gets into a vehicle the dog disappears (dog gets in the vehicle with the player).

Your bug reports have been a big help. Really appreciate the feedback!

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Okay, and that’s why the checkbox I suppose.
indeed I have read several times that the game's GUI is very little user/moder-friendly... Let's hope it will get better.
Aaah yes I see, I understand those options better ! Thank for the precision.

Good idea for the dog being a passenger in the car, ^^ I like it better than seeing it TP now I think of it.
It's fun seeing it following behind, but it's not seeing it dying under it :'O lol

Well, it’s all promising mod ! I'll keep in touch if anything, and pay close attention to updates ! Wish you a good next on the project.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hi there again =)
( I'm kindof taking a seat here, hope you don't mind ^^ )

Nice to see the passenger thing already implemented ! =)


I was wondering something, is the dog's size something we could parameter ?
From one hand I like this way, makes it clearly visible from my usual point of vue ; But that's a bit big, even more next to the character, and even even more when looking up close. ( I can only imagine when using a mod like "real character size". ) Feels kindof strange. ( Not an issue if it isn't, or would be far too much trouble to make, but a bit smaller would be perfect to my taste. And what about a size setting if doable ! That would be amazing. )

Also on the "request" side, could the nudge be assigned a keybind ? ( And maybe nudge it slightly more far ? )


And here's some things I saw :

Dog has another self-harm tendencies ^^ When game start, a third of the time the dog spawn / go in the spaceship's remains fire ! It feels strange too ! Less that the previous one thought, and here I don't see what could be done, nor even should be. I'm just saying, I think it's funny ^^

Dog often make a weird animation, hesitating between sat and up / moving apparently, seems like shuttering. Don't know how to describre with word but maybe you already know what it's about.

When ennemies, Dog bark multiple time per secondes, constantly, sometimes.


Well, here's some reading x) I think I'm done for today at least x)

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Oups, sorry double post, wanted to edit not cite... My bad.

New response