🍽️ Dimava's shenanigans: display-signals

by Dimava

Check what your circuits are up to, by showing wire signals over programmable speakers

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network

g Issues and feature request

9 months ago

Issue 1: Mining/deconstructing the speaker before signal entities leaves floating text. To get rid of it, I have to undo back to a point where I can remove the signal entity first. Deconstructing the speaker and signal entities instantly with a single decon selection in Editor Extensions also leaves floating text. The best workaround seems to be to use Wire Shortcuts to remove all circuit wire connections before deconstructing things.
Issue 2: There is sometimes a long delay (roughly 5-15s) before displaying any signals. It seems to happen when the relative position of the latest built signal entity-speaker pair is different from the last one and the signal itself differs. For example if a spidertron signal is wired east of one speaker, and then a pipe signal is wired south of another speaker, that second speaker might take a while to display. The problem seems to go away after several speaker-entity pairs have been recently placed in various orientations, or if the current signals being displayed have been displayed before recently (it also seems to come back when reloading the map).
Feature Request: It would be nice to have mod settings for properties like text color/brightness, font/icon size, text offset (ideally it would detect the nearest empty space to appear on so it doesn't cover any entities), etc.

9 months ago
  1. To get rid of the text just select an entity in another chunk (or move to another chunk), it'll refresh

1.1. I guess I'll add the onbuilt/ondestroyed listeners in the future

  1. To update the text just select an entity in another chunk (or move to another chunk), it'll refresh

2.1. I guess I'll add the onbuilt/ondestroyed listeners in the future

  1. I will consider that
9 months ago
(updated 9 months ago)

Basically, it refreshes everything when you move a chunk, or when your selection moves a chunk, or when you hover a speaker

Everything further then a chunk away doesn't have texts at all (that has a problem in MP where it shows the stuff only around last moved player)

9 months ago

That worked, thanks!

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