This Factorio mod allows you to easily implement dialogues. It allows for the creation of custom dialogue trees, with triggers and conditions. Additionally, it provides dialogue logs for tracking progress, so you can keep track of your conversation history.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Version: 1.0.4 Date: 15.08.2022 Bugfixes: - Recreated dialogue log button on_player_joined_game
Version: 1.0.3 Date: 02.08.2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed incompatibilities with Rate Calculator
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 02.08.2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed previous issue related to multiplayer events handling
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 31.07.2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed an issue when joining a multiplayer game. - Unfortunately events handlers must match in order to join a save, so they need to be turn off (and reload the save). - Several minor bugfixes - Code cleaning and optimization - Now dialogue will be triggered for all players. Features: - When playing multiplayer a button that allows you to turn on/off triggers (read bugfixes) - Added compatibility with GUI_Unifyer
Version: 0.2.4 Date: 26.07.2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed a crash when interacting with "Enhance Map Color" guis
Version: 0.2.3 Date: 26.07.2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed a crash caused by triggering an event not containing the player_index
Version: 0.2.2 Date: 25.07.2022 Bugfixes: - Minor fixes on the example mod - Fixed event handling issue. Now multiple dialogues can be set with the same trigger. However they should be set with different conditions, in order not to overlap each other Note: If two dialogues trigger at the same time, only the last one will be shown, but both will appear in the logs
Version: 0.2.0 Date: 24.07.2022 Bugfixes: - Fixed an issue with some vanilla LuaStyles - Solved incompatibility with mod "Informatron" - Code optimization Features: - Several graphics improvement regarding dialogue logs. Its now possible to see the sprite of the person on the logs - Added Main page shown when the dialogue log tab han nothing to display
Version: 0.1.0 Date: 19.07.2022 Features: - Dialogue box displaying: - Name of the person talking - Image of the person - Dialogue - Dialogue log displaying all triggered dialogues divided by person - Defined triggers (LuaEvents) and conditions (Custom Functions) to be able of fully implement every dialogue tree