Deadlock-Mod Integrations

Adds support in Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders for Bob's mods, FactorioExtended and FactorioExtendedPlus, and Xander's mods, adding beltboxes and loaders to match the belts that those mods add.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Bob setting method causes compatibility issue

5 years ago

Hey there. Just letting you know that the technique you're using here makes the game throw a "your mods have the same version but different contents" error if someone tries to join multiplayer and doesn't happen to have this setting set the same as the host.

if mods["boblogistics"] then
if settings.startup["deadlock-integrations-new-bob-recipes"].value then

5 years ago

Hrm, the game should require that all startup settings from the server are synced to the client to allow joining, so it should force that (or be a different error). Are you sure you didn't have any local changes to your copy?

5 years ago

Well, all Pawz had to do to connect was tick the checkbox saying "bob's recipes" or whatever it says in this mod and it worked. I think it's because the if() here actually changes the files loaded, and thus, the mod contents as far as the game is concerned.

5 years ago

Sure enough! Will combine 'em into one file to fix. How are the new recipes playing? Looking good to make 'em default in 0.18? ;)

5 years ago

We're doing quite well with the recipes. A real challenge is getting enough base things like yellow splitters, which are required for both beltboxes and crating machines. The difficulty is more in the mismatched purpose of Pawz's "shopping mall" construction layout which generally has just one high tier assembler per item. Because there are an insane number of items in the game. So it ends up creating these big bottlenecks because we're delivering all the materials by bots to just one machine which makes any given thing. Material wise, I don't feel like the recipes are too much of a burden. They seem rather fair considering the advantage you get from the equipment. And inserters certainly have not been eclipsed, although Pawz likes to put loaders on everything now... -_-

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