Deadlock-Mod Integrations

Adds support in Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders for Bob's mods, FactorioExtended and FactorioExtendedPlus, and Xander's mods, adding beltboxes and loaders to match the belts that those mods add.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Could loaders and beltboxes be on separate rows?

5 years ago
See how it wraps around? Would be better if beltboxes had their own row.

5 years ago

Yeah, they should probably just get their own subgroups. I'll adjust that.

5 years ago

Just updated. Still is in the same group. Any idea why that might be?

5 years ago

It'll be an update to the base mod that changes the subgroups - haven't gotten around to adding that between bugfixes yet, but should be this weekend at the latest.

5 years ago

Added in the latest version.

New response