Deadlock FactorioExtended-Plus Support

by SirRaum

Extended support for deadlock compressed stacking of titanium from the FactorioExtended-Plus mod. Also includes stacking of default barrel fluids.

4 years ago
0.18 - 1.0

g new tiers?

5 years ago

thoughs about adding 2 new tiers to match factorio extended plus speed? 2 more loaders and beltboxes that have 60 and 75 i/s ?

5 years ago

You already get loaders / beltboxs mk4/5 with ..

5 years ago

Yes, this mod just makes it so titanium is stackable, basically. For further integration, I should make that mod a requirement.

5 years ago

i was searching by Factorio Extended and didnt find anything, but that hepls, thanks!

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