Data Science

by dorfl

Adds data science elements to blue, purple and yellow science packs, requiring collection, cleansing and analysis of production data across the entire base.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17
6 years ago
Latest Version:
0.2.1 (5 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.16 - 0.17
Downloaded by:
9 users

Adds data science elements to blue, purple and yellow science packs, requiring collection, cleansing and analysis of production data across the entire base.


  • Sensors to collect data from crafting machines.
  • Collectors to receive and aggregate raw data records on punch cards.
  • Computers to perform data cleansing.
  • Racks 12U to perform data analysis (and optionally faster cleansing).


  • Punch Cards for storing data.
  • Raw Data added to blue science recipe.
  • Clean Data added to purple science recipe.
  • Analysed Data added to yellow science recipe.


  • Data Collection (red + green)
  • Data Computation (red + green + blue)
  • Data Analysis (red + green + blue + purple)

Basic Approach

  1. Build a normal starter base for red and green science, and the usual engines + mining-drill arrays in preparation for blue science.
  2. Craft a bunch of sensors and cover all available assemblers, refineries, chemical plants, and furnaces. Just like beacons, sensors have a yellow area of effect overlay. Note that furnaces won't be selection-highlighted but they're still counted by the mod.
  3. Craft a collector or two. Supply these with punch cards and raw data records should start to flow. Commence blue science.

Water Cooling

Computers and Racks require water cooling and produce a bit of steam. Hook up steam engines to reclaim some energy!

Some Vague Aims...

  • Link science output to overall base production.
  • Make science a bit more interesting with a different game mechanic.
  • Complicate just about every blueprint in existence with sensors!
  • Think about ways to link this stuff into the circuit network a bit more in the future.
  • Think of a way to add a higher-level computer that must be laid out using more than one entity -- Cluster?