Data Raw Prototypes deprecated

A modding utility to access raw prototype data from data.raw within control.lua. Prototypes are only loaded as required, cached to the save game for as long as the mods state is unchanged, and the cache is shared across all mods. To use:"data-raw", "prototype", "car", "tank"). See readme for more details.

6 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

g localised_name not included?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Why are the localised_name variables not included?
All prototypes have a localised_name variable that is not provided by this mod.

7 years ago

The same reason we don't do what this mod is doing in the base game: we do post-processing on every prototype to build out the final result and the lua version of the prototype is frequently wrong/missing things (such as this).

7 years ago

Is you need a use LuaEntityPrototype use game.entity_prototypes["my-prototype"].

This mod is to access data in the same format as the data-final-fixes.lua stage, which lets you access parameters like vehicle consumption, turret rotation speed, the entire effect tree of ammo, or any number of things that which are inaccessible using any of the built in API functions.