Dark Matter Replicators

This mod adds replicators, machines which can produce items using nothing but electricity. Lower tiers of replicators are the most energy efficient and can essentially transform depleted, empty land into a resource. Higher tier replicators can simplify production lines or otherwise act as a convenience. Tier 1 replicators can replace depleted mining drills, allowing your expansion to be for growth rather than necessity.

5 years ago
0.13 - 0.17

i New items added by mods

6 years ago

I've seen that your mod autoscan recipes for give the basic item even if a mod rewrite them.
But it seems not scan new items added by mods.
For give a suggestion I've thought a sort of "formula" to make modded buildings or objects available for replications.
Each "ingredient" has a "level" defined by the DM mod replication.
Then make a new recipe as a level of the lowest ingredient +1 and go on for new levels of creations?
And after you've completed all the DM researches, tenemut become useless and inventory waste except for made replicators, but even replicators have an utility limits and after all you can create tenemut by yourself, then,just a suggestion, why dont made a "material deconstructor" that decompose physical matter to energy? In a less efficient way for avoid a circle of 2I made ore, then decompose ore and use the energy for made 1 new ore and a bit for have infinite energy even without any boiler/reactor/solar"?
Just my 2 cent.
The mod make the game a lot easier even in harsh settings.
Even with higher settings for critters and lower for resources, if I get a patch of iron, one of copper and one of tenemut I can build a wall and hide behind it until I produce enough resources and researches for build my defences at best and face everything I find on the surface.
Not a complain, but I think this will unbalance the game purpose that is explorations and building big. :P

6 years ago

Oh, and just a little question not related to the suggestion up there.
There is a reason for not allowing the replications of circuit network parts?

6 years ago

Another suggestion. alternative to the one actually presented.
Why dont made replicator recipes use tenemut as required material with higher need for new recipes? For ores, for example, you can made one ore for made 2 ores, then even at best you can use tenemut for replicate itself, if needed, and you made it needed for replicate other things. For replication there is no need of higher matter shaping, but only basic form, and this allow you utilize useless stored tenemuth for made other items.
Just an idea.

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