Extra Replications for Dark Matter Replicators

Adds extra mod replication support for Dark Matter Replicators.

4 years ago

g Transport Belt replication not work; Same problem as steel

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

EDIT: I spaced and forgot to set the message type to BUG rather than GENERAL, sorry.

The transport belt replication (Yellow one) states that it does not have the per-requisites required to research it, despite them all being present.

In the mean time, does anyone know the id's of the research (like how Oil Processing's id is "oil-processing") so it'd be possible to use the lua research command to get around this and other instances? If not, direction to which .lua file in the mod zip contains the research names/id's would be even better.

5 years ago

It works fine with just the replicators mod, what other mods do you have active? For the tech names, it's generated with a function, but all the replication techs start with "repl-", then the name of the thing it makes. "repl-transport-belt" for example.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Experiencing this issue with (Yellow) Transport Belt, Solid Fuel, no others at the moment (Because I'm not that far into 0.17). Confirming previous issues with Steel, Science Packs has been fixed.

Of the optional dependencies: Running this with Bob's & Factorissimo. Also running with Angel's Mod suite.

Hazarding a guess that it's interactions with Bobs/Angels that change the transport belt and solid fuel recipes.

New response