Dana: crafting tree/graph explorer

by Credne

Dana provides ways to explore and display the recipe graph of Factorio (vanilla or modded). This mod is still in alpha stages: it is recommended to use it on a dedicated (sandbox) save, or at minimum to backup your save. While the mod should work in multiplayer, be careful about griefing (rendering huge graphs can freeze the game for several minutes).

2 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

b Pausing in editor disables movement

6 months ago

Steps to reproduce:
- start Factorio version 1.1.109
- load the Dana mod version 0.3.1 (no other mods needed)
- create a new game
- make yourself an editor by typing /editor in the console
- "toggle entity paused" via the map editor time tab, or by keyboard control (default is numpad 0)
- open Dana mode
- the Dana avatar cannot move. Limited movement is still possible by entering map view and dragging the map with the mouse, but usually most of the graph cannot be seen.

What I expected to happen:
- movement is still possible

The inability to move can be solved by running /editor while in Dana mode as well. It seems that the over-world is not unpaused when this is done.

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