Dana: crafting tree/graph explorer

by Credne

Dana provides ways to explore and display the recipe graph of Factorio (vanilla or modded). This mod is still in alpha stages: it is recommended to use it on a dedicated (sandbox) save, or at minimum to backup your save. While the mod should work in multiplayer, be careful about griefing (rendering huge graphs can freeze the game for several minutes).

1 year, 8 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

i [Pending] Ignore resources

3 years ago

Some mods pollutes the receipts, try following: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Transport_Drones
Check green science for an example.

I suggest to add an ignoring list, where we can select resources/items, that should be ignored for the chart.
And remember this list between Dana calls,
Better clean the list with a separate button,
and remove some resources one-by-one (by right click) too.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Thanks for the feedback.

I suggest to add an ignoring list, where we can select resources/items, that should be ignored for the chart.

Agreed that's a high priority requirement. For this specific mod, filtering out by recipe category would be much more effective, but both features are simple anyway and planned for the next release (whenever it happens, which might take a while).

And remember this list between Dana calls,
Better clean the list with a separate button,

I have some mixed feeling about that. I understand the need of persisting an "exclude" list in this situation, but I also have valid situations where excluding items for a single query is useful, so persisting the exclude list in these cases would degrade the user's experience. Choosing which settings to persist (or not), and telegraphing it to the user in a simple way (or better: letting him choose what to persist without cluttering the UI) doesn't seem trivial at all for me, considering that the number of options/settings will be growing significantly in the next release.

From a technical point of view, any kind of truly persisting data will add dev time costs on the long run if we consider mod updates (both handling updates of other mods, and upgrading Dana to newer versions). I would like to avoid that while Dana is still in Alpha.

TL;DR: probably one day, but not for the next major release.

and remove some resources one-by-one (by right click) too.

Is that a suggestion for the Query editor, replacing the "x" red button in the item list ? If it's deleting nodes/links once the graph is generated, that's something I'll consider at some point, but not for the next major release.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I have some mixed feeling about that. I understand...

Ok, I think all users want less pain, so, with this only implementation it will be easer to add an additional one-click to clear ignore list
but if you want start all queries as empty (new one), I suggest another button somewhere - to open last query options for edit, I think it will be better, but with additional work
sorry :)

3 years ago

Don't get me wrong, I agree that a proper way to persist some settings in query will bring good added value for the user. However a quickly hacked implementation (cluttered UI, persisting things against the user will) could be a net negative value for some users. With all use cases taken into account, my intuition right now is that a proper implementation is not a trivial amount of work (as you suggested, I think it'll have to end up with the ability to save a query for later use as a template, plus an history feature).

The backlog for Dana v0.3 is already big enough that I have absolutely no idea when I will be able to deliver it. It's just a problem of prioritisation: taking into account the usefulness/work ratio, I don't think this feature justify to delay v0.3 to an even more uncertain date, or to replace one of the feature I intend to put in v0.3. Dana is simply understaffed :-)

3 years ago

hey i'm not trying to put pressure on you
I just express thoughts and suggestions for future solutions - we all understand: this is amateur development and we do not pay for it

I myself think the idea of ​​a mod is cool, and worth implementing in all games (in the core itself) with similar mechanics of production chains

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