Dana: crafting tree/graph explorer

by Credne

Dana provides ways to explore and display the recipe graph of Factorio (vanilla or modded). This mod is still in alpha stages: it is recommended to use it on a dedicated (sandbox) save, or at minimum to backup your save. While the mod should work in multiplayer, be careful about griefing (rendering huge graphs can freeze the game for several minutes).

1 year, 8 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

i [Done] Buttons

3 years ago

I think it would be interesting to have a way to disable the button at the top left of the screen and put a button on ShortcutBar to open the main screen of the mod.
This mod also placed an unnecessary button on the ShortcutBar, the selection tool. I think this button should not appear, as it is only useful on the mod screen, not during the game.


3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback.

Personally I'm used to opening mods with a button in the top left. The current one is certainly too invasive, I'll see to make it take less screen space in the not so distant future.

I don't mind adding an option to open from the quickbar at some point, but unless there is more demand I'll consider that extremely low priority.

Ok for removing the selection tool from the bar (it's just a leftover from the time where I didn't have other ways to give the selection tool).

3 years ago

I also use the YARM mod (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/YARM), and Dana's button is under that, which makes the layout quite strange!
And like most other mods put the button on the quickbar, I found it more appropriate there!
Some also put a button at the top left of the screen, but leave an option to be disabled!

Thanks for the answer!

3 years ago

All implemented in v0.2.4.

There is still a top-left button by default (much smaller), which can be removed with a mod setting.

New response