Dana: crafting tree/graph explorer

by Credne

Dana provides ways to explore and display the recipe graph of Factorio (vanilla or modded). This mod is still in alpha stages: it is recommended to use it on a dedicated (sandbox) save, or at minimum to backup your save. While the mod should work in multiplayer, be careful about griefing (rendering huge graphs can freeze the game for several minutes).

1 year, 8 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

a Known issues

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)


If the character gets killed while in Dana mode, the player may not have any respawn option when coming back to the game.
Workaround: don't open Dana on train tracks or anywhere unsafe.

Mods causing Dana to produce cluttered/unreadable graphs:

  • Reverse Factory
  • Any big overhaul mod (Py, Angel, Bob, ...)
  • Mods with transmutation, or similar kind of recipes (PyFusion, Krastorio)

Actions causing huge lags/freezes:

  • Graph rendering: no miracle solutions, extremely low priority.
  • Graph deletion: limited by Factorio's API performances.
  • Graph selection tool (for huge graphs): miracle solutions exist, but low priority unless more reports.


Informatron (< 0.1.12) & Dana (< 0.2.3): may cause crashes.
Fix: update both mods.

Space exploration:

  • may cause crashes (WIP on both sides to fix issues).
  • loss of control of the character / character stuck somewhere.
    Workaround: don't use Space exploration features in Dana mode, and don't open Dana when you're not in control of your character (ex: while looking at another planet with the Universe explorer).

Any mod changing controllers: loss of control of the character / character stuck somewhere.
Workaround: Leave Dana before using any feature of other mod that switch you to/from god/spectator mode. Don't use Dana while such a mod put you in god/spectator mode.

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