Creative World Plus

by mulark

Sets the entire world to refined concrete. Uses a more performant way to set the tiles. Removes annoying rocks, fish, and decorations (optional).

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g The mod also affect normal generation.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

The mod turns the normal world type into all desert. Please fix the issue.

4 years ago

I can't reproduce that behavior, can you specify what mod settings you are using?

4 years ago

I am using the default settings. Here is my modlist:
I just generate the default world with no settings changed, the world is all desert. The behavior doesn't exist when I remove your mod.

4 years ago
If you set type of tiles to pave to None it shouldn't do that anymore. If it still does do that can you send me a save with all mods installed where it happens?

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