A scenario with a supply of simple tools for complete control over the game. You can set your force's bonuses, have an unlimited supply of Items, and enable some useful inventory management algorithms.
Topic: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=57368
How to update:
If you already started a game with an outdated version of this mod, you can call "/update" in order to update it if you already downloaded a new version.
Content, tools by icon:
--The Lab--
You can use this to set every bonus in your force. Nothing applies until you click Confirm. The Reset button resets your bonuses, and your research to "just before infinite".
--The Radar-- (Toggle-able)
Keeps the whole map charted.
--The Ammunition-- (Toggle-able)
Refills the durability and stack of every item in your equipment inventory.
--The Infinichest--
Inserts a max stack of every hidden item prototype into your inventory.
--The Buffer Chest-- (Toggle-able)
When toggled on, sets the inventory size bonus to at least the amount of item prototypes in the game. Then, sets a filter for each of them in your inventory. Also modifies some auto fill behavior. (See: next)
--Auto fill-- (Drop-down)
Off: Does nothing
At least: Fills every filtered slot in your main inventory with max stack of that item.
Exactly: Same as above, but clears slots without a filter. (WARNING: Keep an eye on your blueprints)
NOTE: If the buffer chest and auto fill is enabled, auto fill will also apply to your quick bar, but it will never clear off unfiltered items.
--Trash bin-- (Toggle-able)
Re-purposes your logistic trash slots, so that they behave as an item destroyer.
--Lamp-- (Toggle-able)
When enabled, the sun always shines. The state of the button is synchronized between players on the same surface.
/recon : Resets everything related to the mod. Fixes the bug from 0.1.3
/update : Calls game.reload_script()
-Fixed error on damaging any non-player entity
-Automatic inventory filtering now fills the inventory starting from the first slot
-No longer supports replays
-Added commands (recon and update) as a workaround to the bug mentioned in previous versions
-Modified the internal script structure to be more efficient.
-Added the lamp button
-Introduced bug: When migrating a save file of a previous version, the lamp button does not show up for players in the save.
-Fixed huge fps-drop while having auto fill turned on and personal roboport equipped
-Now it has a little bit under five times less effect on fps
-Fixed missing scroll bar in the lab menu
-Added link to this page as "homepage"
-Added link to forum topic as "contact"
-Updated internal description
-Initial commit