Creative Mode deprecated

by Mooncat

Based on the old Creative Mode mod created by Y.Petremann, then patched by Pac0master, and also the Test Mode mod created by rk84. By enabling Creative Mode in the game, you can access objects that can generate unlimited items, fluid or energy, or nullify them. Perfect for testing purpose or making initial setup for games.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.15

b Heat Void doesn't work

7 years ago

well, maybe i just used't the wrong way / didn't understand it's purpose
but if i heat a line of heatpipes and place a heat void on the other hand the heat void remains at 0°c, but the heatpipe directly attached to it still heats up if there where nothing that consumes heat - even if i use 3 heat voids at the end!

an alternative could be an endless heat consuming heat exchanger ;-) (at the propper rate ofc, so it can be used to test heat lines)


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