Creative Mode deprecated

by Mooncat

Based on the old Creative Mode mod created by Y.Petremann, then patched by Pac0master, and also the Test Mode mod created by rk84. By enabling Creative Mode in the game, you can access objects that can generate unlimited items, fluid or energy, or nullify them. Perfect for testing purpose or making initial setup for games.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.15

b Placing blueprints causes lua error

7 years ago

I have tried placing blueprints in creative mode a few times now and every time i get a creative-mode::on_tick (ID =) error.
error is caused by line 177 in util.lua by the looks of the error window when it tries to index local item

could this be due to modules in machines of the blueprint? didnt happen for me when i blueprinted just belts and inserters before

Full text on the error window:
"Error while running event creative-mode::on_tick (ID 0)
creative-mode/scripts/util.lua:177: attempt to index local 'item' (a number value)"

7 years ago

Nvm, it was caused by running old version (0.3.0), it was fixed on later version (0.3.1)

New response