I had an issue that caused significant loading times during the 'Loading Sprites' phase in the form of hangups that would last between 3 and 10 minutes. This was revealed to be coupled along side an error in the 'factorio-current.log' file along the lines of;
142.926 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 32x32} from <mod_name>/graphics/icons/<image_name>.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {32,0; 16x16} which is out of bounds of the source image.
In an effort to solve this issue I found that adding the line, 'icon_mipmaps = nil' where the icon is declared - adjusted to match the code's variant of declaring it - seemed to fix this issue, at least for me.
Yours is one of the mods I had the error with, and was able to fix using that method so I'm offering that information to you. :)
For this case it was the icons for both furnaces declared in items.lua and entities.lua