Crafting Efficiency

Adds technologies to increase the gain of wastefull and expensive processes, such as copper cable, steel, gears, circuits, and engines. Requires omniLib which enables dynamic recipe generation and auto-updating entities in world with newer recipes. Works on items even if mods change their recipes. Updated for Factorio v18

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g error with code?

3 years ago

well every time i want to play with it it dont work, it says:
"Mods to disable:Fehler beim Laden der Mods: Error while loading recipe prototype "omnirec-military-science-pack-e" (recipe): Difficulty normal: energy_required can't be <= 0.001.
Modifications: Crafting Efficiency"
would be cool if i get help dunno how the codes work

3 years ago

nevermind, fixed it myself

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