Crafting Efficiency

Adds technologies to increase the gain of wastefull and expensive processes, such as copper cable, steel, gears, circuits, and engines. Requires omniLib which enables dynamic recipe generation and auto-updating entities in world with newer recipes. Works on items even if mods change their recipes. Updated for Factorio v18

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g update to 1.1

4 years ago

Hi Usafphoenix!

Great mod, I've used it a lot, but recently out 1.1 update makes it impossible to use. Would you kind to update your mod to 1.1 compatible?


4 years ago

YES PLEASE UPDATE the groups i play with wont update factorio till this mod does.

4 years ago

Anyone made it work? If so what to do.

3 years ago


I don't usually send files this way, if you have a better file sharing site let me know. I have done very little testing. All I know is that it works with all my mods (bobs and some others)

3 years ago

I was able to update it manually.
Download the zip file, extract it into the mods folder, and make the following changes to the listed files:

Starting in the base folder: crafting-efficiency_0.1.07
Change version to match the folder name (or I assume you could change the folder name to match the version listed in info.json)
I also changed factorio_version to 1.1.19, mainly to be consistent, I didn't test to see if it was a needed change.

in both these files make these changes
'omni.marathon.standardise' was moved to 'omni.lib.standardise' (ie, search-replace omni.marathon.standardise with omni.lib.standardise)
the setTechIcon method was renamed to setTechIcons (ie, add an 's' to each occurance)

I'm pretty sure that's all the changes I ha to make, and it's working great for me, with the few mods I'm running.
Obviously, you still need to have the OmniLibrary mod installed, but the latest version worked for me, and most of the fixes needed were to make it work with the newer versions of OmniLib.

3 years ago

Looks like the current issue is that every time you research something it's not replacing the recipe. So for gear wheels I have 10 different recipes for each efficiency and I have to manually update all the assembly machines every time. @Ryan do you know of a fix for this?

1 year, 4 months ago
(updated 1 year, 4 months ago)

hey, hate to bug you, but do you still have the file? asking because while it mostly works on the most recent it absolutely hates steel as it won't calculate it properly @DJ_Coal
edit - ignore me, I brought up this version instead of the newer one by accident

New response