Crafting Efficiency

Adds technologies to increase the gain of wastefull and expensive processes, such as copper cable, steel, gears, circuits, and engines. Requires omniLib which enables dynamic recipe generation and auto-updating entities in world with newer recipes. Works on items even if mods change their recipes. Updated for Factorio v18

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

i AAI Industries

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

ok i remade this because the FAQ ended up not helping (may be outdated) i am still not able to get the recipe added, i can get in there to the point where there is a new line for it in the settings, however, maybe because of how aai creates the recipe, it seems i am unable to actually get it to work, research and such will not show up for it

again sorry for remaking this thread

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

For each item, there should be three values added to the file "settings-values.lua" and a technology .png graphic needs to be created and added. You can copy, then RENAME and reinsert the file "efficiency-generic.png" into the technology graphics folder after renaming the file to "efficiency-[itemname].png" for this, or use photoshop (or other paint program) to create specific technology graphics yourself with the proper item icon. the mod does not generate icons dynamically, unfortunately. if anyone knows how to do this, (or has seen this technique being used) i'd love to be shown how that works.

The syntax of the lua list must be done correctly. entries must be separated by commas, have quotes in the correct places, and the list must end with a single angle-bracket "}", when editing, it's common to mistakenly leave these so that there's two closing-brackets. i do this all the time...

5 years ago

ps: I did, just as a quick test get the AAI electric motor generating efficiency techs it "DOES" work with AAI just takes some tweaking, unfortunately. Lua mods generally don't have this level of customization and i've done what i could. If i'm able to improve it further in the future, that'd be great, but so far this is the best i could get it to.

5 years ago

i see how that one is possible the one i am having issues with is the electronic circuit alternate recipe added by AAI Industry, the one using stone tablets, the out put is still a basic electronic circuit, and there is no specific recipe for it in AAI just a "if this is this then make recipe...." kinda deal

5 years ago

i'm not familiar with stone tablets. do we know if that's added by AAI or another mod?

5 years ago

oh wait... i think i ended up disabling "Variant" recipe integration cause it caused issues with mods like deadlocks, yuoki, etc. i have some commented-out code that was when i was working on making it set up effieciency recipes for each method that results in an item, rather than the specific recipe-name that matches the item name. Had to disable it cause, like i said, it didn't work in some combinations with mods.

5 years ago

i see... disappointing, but what cant be done, cant be done, thanks for looking in to it

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