Crafting Efficiency

Adds technologies to increase the gain of wastefull and expensive processes, such as copper cable, steel, gears, circuits, and engines. Requires omniLib which enables dynamic recipe generation and auto-updating entities in world with newer recipes. Works on items even if mods change their recipes. Updated for Factorio v18

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

g Did a bit of testing

4 years ago

First with my megabase that have it went really it can't be when doing research that should take 1sec or less for the first few on any recipe that are added, but I think it was to update recipes that slowed my game down from 40ups to I am not sure 2ups or lower.
I also looked with AB but there only a few recipes was in and I would not use the way of crafting steel in AB since I would use steel sheet coils when I get them.

4 years ago

Okay, Um, that was... difficult to read. I think you mean that, early on everything worked fine, but once you got to mega-base size, completing research results in a tps drop. This is expected. It can't be helped. Thousands (or millions possibly) of entities are being scanned for auto-update. Omnilib can have its auto-update disabled, but this does mean that you'll have to manually change the recipes most likely. The auto-update scans the entire surface and replaces recipes, the bigger the base, the more performance costly this can't be helped.

4 years ago

Only real solution is to disable auto update once you get to mega-base size, but any improvement then would probably require an hour+ of manually adjusting all the recipes

4 years ago

oh I added the mod after I got to megabase. When I did everything worked fine until I started on those new techs. I had not started to use any of those recipes since I would go around changing everything from what it was before.

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