Crafting Efficiency Forked deprecated

Adds technologies to increase the gain of wastefull and expensive processes, such as copper cable, steel, gears, circuits, and engines. Requires omniLib which enables dynamic recipe generation and auto-updating entities in world with newer recipes. Works on items even if mods change their recipes.

2 years ago
This mod 23 From other mods 3
Dependency types:
Default 23 Required 2 Conflict 0 Optional 21 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 2.37M
base >= 1.1.0 -
omnilib >= 4.1.0 23.2K
angelsbioprocessing >= 0.5.9 169K
angelspetrochem >= 0.8.1 190K
angelsrefining >= 0.10.3 193K
angelssmelting >= 0.5.1 185K
Bio_Industries >= 0.17.3 49.9K
bobassembly >= 0.17.0 248K
bobelectronics >= 0.17.0 231K
bobplates >= 0.17.0 242K
bobrevamp >= 0.17.0 208K
bobtech >= 0.17.0 223K
bobwarfare >= 0.17.0 249K
CircuitProcessing 77.5K
Clowns-Extended-Minerals >= 1.1.0 17.4K
Clowns-Processing >= 1.2.8 21.0K
Clowns-Science >= 1.0.7 14.3K
DeadlockCrating >= 1.3.0 15.9K
DeadlockStacking >= 1.6.3 64
LogarithicallyExpensiveScienceRecipes >= 0.0.1 5
MoreScience >= 0.1.20 1.64K
omnimatter_crystal 5.65K
omnimatter_science 4.36K
Last dependency data update: 8 hours ago (for v0.1.9)