Copy-Paste Recipe Signals

by zomis

Copying settings from an Assembling Machine to a combinator will paste one or more signals describing the recipe. On some entities it can be pasted again to switch the signal used

8 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Circuit network

g [Fixed] Clear Extra Signals

4 years ago

When you paste to a combinator that already has values in it, the extra parameters beyond what is currently being pasted are not cleared... this is unexpected behavior, and I believe it should be classified as a bug.

It could be fixed by modifying the loop to set unused parameters to nil. This is slower (by a few ms) than just setting the 4+ entries in the recipe, but since this is an interactive action only initiated by UI interaction (not an automated trigger that could be done thousands of times a second), then the speed is not as important as consistent behavior.

4 years ago

Good point, I didn't consider this case! I will fix this.

4 years ago

This has now been added, along with some configuration options!

New response